
Character and String Types#

using icubaby::char8 = char8_t#

The type of a UTF-8 code unit. Defined as char8_t when the native type is available and char otherwise.

using icubaby::u8string = std::basic_string<char8>#

A UTF-8 string.

using icubaby::u8string_view = std::basic_string_view<char8>#

A UTF-8 string_view.

Code Point Constants#

constexpr auto icubaby::replacement_char = char32_t{0xFFFD}#

A constant for the U+FFFD REPLACEMENT CHARACTER code point.

constexpr auto icubaby::zero_width_no_break_space = char32_t{0xFEFF}#

A constant for the U+FEFF ZERO WIDTH NO-BREAK SPACE (BYTE ORDER MARK) code point.

constexpr auto icubaby::byte_order_mark = zero_width_no_break_space#

A constant for the U+FEFF ZERO WIDTH NO-BREAK SPACE (BYTE ORDER MARK) code point.

constexpr auto icubaby::code_point_bits = 21U#

The number of bits required to represent a code point.

Starting with Unicode 2.0, characters are encoded in the range U+0000..U+10FFFF, which amounts to a 21-bit code space.

constexpr auto icubaby::first_high_surrogate = char32_t{0xD800}#

The code point of the first UTF-16 high surrogate.

constexpr auto icubaby::last_high_surrogate = char32_t{0xDBFF}#

The code point of the last UTF-16 high surrogate.

constexpr auto icubaby::first_low_surrogate = char32_t{0xDC00}#

The code point of the first UTF-16 low surrogate.

constexpr auto icubaby::last_low_surrogate = char32_t{0xDFFF}#

The code point of the last UTF-16 low surrogate.

constexpr auto icubaby::max_code_point = char32_t{0x10FFFF}#

The number of the last code point.

Unicode Char Types#

using icubaby::character_types = details::make_t<char8, char16_t, char32_t>#

A list of the character types used for UTF-8 UTF-16, and UTF-32 encoded text.

template<typename T>
struct is_unicode_char_type : public std::bool_constant<details::contains_v<character_types, T>>#

Checks whether the argument is one of the unicode character types.

Provides the boolean constant value which is true if T is one of the unicode character types as defined by icubaby::character_types and false otherwise.

Template Parameters:

T – The type to be checked.

template<typename T>
constexpr bool icubaby::is_unicode_char_type_v = is_unicode_char_type<T>::value#

A helper variable template to simplify use of icubaby::is_unicode_char_type.

template<typename T>
struct is_unicode_input_type : public std::bool_constant<is_unicode_char_type_v<T> || std::is_same_v<T, std::byte>>#

Checks whether the argument is one of the unicode data source types.

Provides the constant value which is equal to true if T is one of the types which may contain unicode data otherwise, value is equal to false. The unicode data types are the types allowed by icubaby::is_unicode_char_type_v plus std::byte.

Template Parameters:

T – The type to be checked.

template<typename T>
constexpr bool icubaby::is_unicode_input_v = is_unicode_input_type<T>::value#

A helper variable template to simplify use of icubaby::is_unicode_input_type.

Longest Sequence#

template<unicode_char_type Encoding>
struct longest_sequence#

The number of code-units in the longest legal representation of a code-point.

Provides the constant value which is of type std::size_t.

Template Parameters:

Encoding – The encoding to be used.

template<unicode_char_type Encoding>
constexpr auto icubaby::longest_sequence_v = longest_sequence<Encoding>::value#

A helper variable template to simplify use of icubaby::longest_sequence<>.


Returns an iterator to the beginning of the pos’th code point in a range of code units.

The functions documented here assume toolchain support for C++ 20 Ranges. If not available, an implementation with signature accepting conventional [begin, end) iterators is supplied.

template<std::input_iterator I, std::sentinel_for<I> S, typename Proj = std::identity>
constexpr I icubaby::index(I first, S last, std::size_t pos, Proj proj = {})#

Returns an iterator to the beginning of the pos’th code point in the code unit sequence [first, last).

  • first – The start of the range of code units to examine.

  • last – The end of the range of code units to examine.

  • pos – The number of code points to move.

  • proj – Projection to apply to the elements.


An iterator that is ‘pos’ code points after the start of the range or ‘last’ if the end of the range was encountered.

template<std::ranges::input_range Range, typename Proj = std::identity>
constexpr std::ranges::borrowed_iterator_t<Range> icubaby::index(Range &&range, std::size_t pos, Proj proj = {})#

Returns an iterator to the beginning of the pos’th code point in the range of code-units given by range.

Template Parameters:
  • Range – An input range.

  • Proj – The type of the projection applied to elements.

  • range – The range of code units to examine.

  • pos – The number of code points to move.

  • proj – Projection to apply to the elements.


Iterator to the start of the selected code point or iterator equal to last if no such element is found.


Returns the number of code points in a sequence of code units.

The functions documented here assume toolchain support for C++ 20 Ranges. If not available, an implementation with signature accepting conventional [begin, end) iterators is supplied.

template<std::input_iterator I, std::sentinel_for<I> S, typename Proj = std::identity>
constexpr std::iter_difference_t<I> icubaby::length(I first, S last, Proj proj = {})#

Returns the number of code points in a sequence.


The input sequence must be well formed for the result to be accurate.

  • first – The start of the range of code units to examine.

  • last – The end of the range of code units to examine.

  • proj – Projection to apply to the elements.


The number of code points.

template<std::ranges::input_range Range, typename Proj = std::identity>
constexpr std::ranges::range_difference_t<Range> icubaby::length(Range &&range, Proj proj = {})#

Returns the number of code points in a sequence.


The input sequence must be well formed for the result to be accurate.

Template Parameters:
  • Range – An input range.

  • Proj – Type of the projection applied to elements.

  • range – The range of the elements to examine.

  • proj – Projection to apply to the elements.


The number of code points.


Functions that determine whether a particular code point is one of the high or low surrogates.

constexpr bool icubaby::is_high_surrogate(char32_t code_point) noexcept#

Returns true if the code point code_point represents a UTF-16 high surrogate.


code_point – The code point to be tested.


true if the code point code_point represents a UTF-16 high surrogate.

constexpr bool icubaby::is_low_surrogate(char32_t code_point) noexcept#

Returns true if the code point code_point represents a UTF-16 low surrogate.


code_point – The code point to be tested.


true if the code point code_point represents a UTF-16 low surrogate.

constexpr bool icubaby::is_surrogate(char32_t code_point) noexcept#

Returns true if the code point code_point represents a UTF-16 low or high surrogate.


code_point – The code point to be tested.


true if the code point c represents a UTF-16 high or low surrogate.

Code Point Start#

An overloaded function that can be used used to determine whether a code unit represents the start of a code point.

constexpr bool icubaby::is_code_point_start(char8 code_unit) noexcept#

Returns true if code_unit represents the start of a multi-byte UTF-8 sequence.


code_unit – The UTF-8 code unit to be tested.


true if code_unit represents the start of a multi-byte UTF-8 sequence.

constexpr bool icubaby::is_code_point_start(char16_t code_unit) noexcept#

Returns true if code_unit represents the start of a UTF-16 high/low surrogate pair.


code_unit – The UTF-16 code unit to be tested.


true if code_unit represents the start of a UTF-16 high/low surrogate pair.

constexpr bool icubaby::is_code_point_start(char32_t code_unit) noexcept#

Returns true if code_unit represents a valid UTF-32 code point.


code_unit – The UTF-32 code unit to be tested.


true if code_unit represents a valid UTF-32 code point.