Preprocessor Macros#

icubaby defines a number of preprocessor macros. They are all used as a means of discovering support for compiler and standard library features or for simplifying their use in a backwards-compatible fashion. In general, preprocessor macros are avoided if there is a way to implement the behavior within the C++ language itself.


ICUBABY_CXX20 has value 1 when compiling with C++ 20 or later and 0 otherwise.


Defined as 1 if the standard library’s __cpp_lib_ranges macro is available and 0 otherwise.


Tests for the availability of library support for C++ 20 ranges.


Defined as true if compiler and library support for concepts are available.


Defined as 1 if the standard library’s __cpp_lib_concepts macro is available and 0 otherwise.


A macro that evaluates true if the compiler and library have support for C++ 20 concepts.


Defined as requires x if C++ 20 concepts are supported and as nothing otherwise.


Defined as std::output_iterator<x> if C++ 20 concepts are supported and as typename otherwise.

Used as a shortcut to restrict a specific template argument to be an output iterator in C++ 20 and simply declaring a typename in C++ 17.


A convenience macro for defining a template argument that must be icubaby::unicode_char_type.


Defined as [[no_unique_address]] if the attribute is supported and as nothing otherwise.