Welcome to icubaby!#

icubaby is a C++ Library to Immediately Convert Unicode. It is a portable, header-only, dependency-free library for C++ 17 or later. Fast, minimal, and easy to use for converting sequences of text between any of the Unicode UTF encodings. Simple to use and exceptionally simple to integrate into a project, it does not allocate dynamic memory and neither throws or catches exceptions.

The library offers an API which converts to and from UTF-8, UTF-16, or UTF-32 encodings. It can also consume a byte stream where an optional byte order mark at the start of the stream identifies the source encoding and byte-order.


icubaby is entirely contained within a single header file. Installation can be as simple as copying that file (include/icubaby/icubaby.hpp) into your project. It has no dependencies and self-configures to your environment.


icubaby uses four different types to express the different Unicode encodings that it supports. They are:



Input type?

Output type?


Encoding and byte-order is determined by an optional stream byte order mark


UTF-8. icubaby::char8 is defined as char8_t when the native type is available and char otherwise


Host-native endian UTF-16


Host-native endian UTF-32

There are three ways to use the icubaby library depending on your needs:

  1. C++ 20 Range Adaptor

    Leverage the C++20 range adaptor for expressive and concise code when working with ranges of elements. The snippet below converts from native-endian UTF-32 to native-endian UTF-16.

    auto const src = std::array{char32_t{0x1F600}};
    auto const r = src | icubaby::views::transcode<char32_t, char16_t>;
    std::vector<char16_t> out;
    std::ranges::copy(r, std::back_inserter(out));

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  2. Iterator Interface

    Utilize the iterator interface for flexibility in processing sequences of text with iterator-based algorithms.

    auto const src = std::array{char32_t{0x1F600}};
    std::vector<char16_t> out;
    icubaby::t32_16 t;
    auto it = icubaby::iterator{&t, std::back_inserter (out)};
    it = std::copy (std::begin (src), std::end (src), it);
    t.end_cp (it);

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  3. Explicit Conversion

    Drive the conversion one code-unit at a time, providing fine-grained control over the conversion process.

    auto const src = std::array{char32_t{0x1F600}};
    std::vector<char16_t> out;
    icubaby::t8_16 t;
    auto it = std::back_inserter (out);
    for (auto cu: src) {
      it = t (cu, it);
    t.end_cp (it);

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Indices and tables#